Monthly Archives: May 2011

The 1st 3 mins…

According to reports, public speaking is one of the most feared activities. I’m not going to say no to it. When I delivered my team’s final project @ Salford (circa ’97), I nearly fell flat on the floor due to nervousness and stage fright. Almost…

Since that day on, I made a promise to myself not to be in that situation anymore.

When I joined the civil service, memang nak tak nak,  you will be required to talk in front of others, be it in small groups or larger groups of people that are waiting eagerly to hear what you’re about to say.

Last week when I was at Penang, delivering a 30-min talk on one of the projects my department is currently working on, somehow or rather, I felt that was my best performance so far. I kept asking myself, what was the x-factor? Pikiaq punya pikiaq, I just realised something…

When the MC mentioned my name and invited me to the stage, the first thing I did was simply saying the customary greeting words ,

“Terima kasih Tuan Pengerusi Majlis.

Yang dihormati Ketua Jabatan ABC etc, dan seterusnya Tuan/Puan hadirin hadirat yang dikasihi sekalaian, Assalamualaikum, Salam Sejahtera dan Salam 1Malaysia.

Terlebih dahulu saya mengucapkan terima kasih kepada pihak penganjur kerana memberi peluang kepada saya selaku wakil dari Jabatan XYZ untuk bersama-sama berkongsi pengalaman, berkongsi cerita mengenai pelaksanaan sistem QWE dengan Tuan/Puan pada pagi ini.”

in a relaxing mode, not too fast and not to slow, while glancing to the audience from left to right…

What I found out later on, it actually helped me to set the mood and tone of my presentation. I was calmer during the presentation, not rushing to wrap up the presentation. Cuba try test, it worked well on me 🙂 …

Of course, you still need to practice delivering your presentation the day/night before until you’re comfortable with it.

Btw, you can always tell whether a presenter is talking at you or talking to you. A good presenter uses the slides to assist in in delivering the points, referring to them once in while to remind him of the things he’s about to say.

Not to read from the slides verbatim…

A Must…

Every time I’m back in my hometown, the usual suspects are as follows:

  • Din Keow Teow Kerang
  • Iman Keow Teow Kerang
  • Keow Teow Taman Koperasi
  • Roti Canai dan Nasi Lemak Tmn PKNK
  • Bihun + Mee Sup dekat market lama
  • Ikan 3 rasa Jitra

Sempat lagi nie, nak ligan yang baki 3 tu, petang ni sekali, malam ni seround & tengahari esok sekali sebelum balik Shah Alam, huhu…

Btw, teh ais 2 bungkus is 2 ringgit 4 kupang ok! I loike… 😀

Quick Pitstop: Alor Setar & Penang …

Took a flight last Tuesday to Alor Setar from Subang via Firefly. My sit ~ 1A. Lodging at my parents’ house.

The next day attended a 1/2 day NeTI promotional road tour session at City Plaza. Delivered a paper on our experience implementing NeTI. Alhamdulillah, it went well. Met one of my colleagues from Unit QS, JKR Kedah…

Once ended, our team headed straight to Seberang Jaya via PLUS. Thanks for the lift, guys!

Stayed at Sunway Hotel, SJ. Rasa cam baru je hotel ni, dekat lak dengan Parkson. Malam tu, we drove across the bridge to taste the ever fofular Nasi Kandar Line Clear. Dah selalu dengar, tak pernah pi. Laaa, sempoi sungguh kedah/gerainya…

After a sumptuous dinner, we jalan2 cuci mata @ Batu Ferringhi. A quick stop at Hard Rock Hotel, stayed there for 20 mins, sambil2 layan live band at the lobby before patah balik ke SJ…

The next morning, delivered another talk in front of full-capacity audience (roughly 150 pax). After lunch, terus gerak ke airport di Bayan Lepas for a 3:30 pm flight back home…

Sampai di Subang, teringatkan pesan Adik to get him Toy Story magazine while Kakak for sure wanted her Bintang Kecil. For Cik Novelis, a white envelope awaits her :)…

Demam Nora Elena Part II ….

Di satu petang, di sebuah hotel di Seberang Jaya …

“Kawan2, malam ni dinner @ 7:45 pm.” Tertera mesej di henpon.

“Apa barang 7:45? 8:00 baru cun…” segera kubalas.

“Apsal 8:00 lak? Nanti tak dan (tak sempat) nak pekena Nasi Kandar Line Clear. Kang kena beratuq panjang.” Dah tak sabar nak merasa nasi kandaq fofular pulau bunyinya…

“Huiisssh, Nora Elena tak abis lagi 7:45 tu. 8:00 ok la…”

8) ….

Demam Nora Elena…

Jiwang karat beb…

I love u; I love u not…

Sedang elok si ayah dan si anak asyik melayan ‘Phineas and Ferb’,

“Abah, ‘kelopak’ itu apa?”

“Errr, macam… macam…” sambil mata melilau mencari jawapan.

Haaa, dah dapat!

“Macam I love you; I love you not tu…”

“Oh,  flower petal you mean?”

“Ya, correct, correct…”

Selesai satu bab…

Alhamdulillah, minggu lepas dah selamat 2 borang permohonan dihantar; satu ke uni di sebelah rumah, satu laie di selatan tanah air.

Pertemuan sebelum ini dengan penyelia berpotensi (potential supervisor 🙂 ) amat2 lah memberangsangkan. Harap2 sy diterima masuk untuk kemasukan September nanti (tp kalau tak silap, research student tak perlu tunggu September; boleh daftar bila2 jer ~ kena tunggu dan lihat)…

Proses nak isi borang permohonan kali ni tak sekalut macam masa nak pohon untuk MS dulu. Mungkin kerana semua sijil dan transkrip dah tersimpan kemas dalam fail.  Sijil TOEFL yang sy amek tahun lepas pun saya masuk sekali; walaupun untuk local student, tak perlu amek pun.

And the best part, no more GRE laie. Pergh, memang tak sanggup dah nak amek exam tu, huhu…

Sekarang mmg saya dalam mode tak sabar nak jadi student balik. Tengah nak clear kan mana2 kerja yang tertangguh di pejabat…

Menulis, menulis dan terus menulis…

Last week, I met this wonderful Dr from one of the public universities down south. Macam biasa, I was like asking non stop about how to survive PhD and graduate with flying colors (Amin…).

Then he told a story, an interesting one…

He got a friend who is also a Dr (suprise2). This particular Doc did really well in his PhD,took only 2.5 years to graduate. Imagine that. Nak siapkan 3.5 tahun pun belum tentu, inikan pula cuma 2.5 years.

When asked what his secret was, he replied back…

Menulis, menulis dan terus menulis…

He said, everytime you read something, write about it, in your own word based on your understanding.

Sooner or later, you’ll develop the skill. Sampai satu tahap, bila tak menulis, rasa macam ada benda yang kurang…

Now, that’s a secret I will keep to myself  8) …

Top Shot II …

Yes, En Colby and the rest of the team are finally back. Our family’s fav show is coming back on the tube. The show will be premiered @ 19/5/2011. I loike :D…

Errr, the only reason that I could think of for not unsubscribing to the Learning channel earlier after the last episode of Top Shot I is definitely waiting for Top Shot II 8) …

Was it worth the wait? Well, we just have to wait and see for ourselves don’t we before delivering the verdict? But I’m sure it’ll be AWESOME just like the debut…

This time around I promise not to ask En Google who will eventually emerge as the winner for each episode. Hilang thrill tengok nanti…


When I was @Salford, circa 96 – 98, Tekken was definitely The One when it came to fighting game for Playstation. Back then, no PS3 laie, just PS or better known now as PS1.

Fast forward 13 years laters, it’s Bakugan’s time to rule the world. Errr, the world of Wii of Course. Tapi pikir2 balik, Naruto Shipudden pun layan gak, huhu…

No wonder lately the whole family notice sudden changes in our dearest Pocoyo. Macam magik jer kerja sekolah dah siap by 5:30 pm. Just in time for me to got back home from opis…

“Abah, I’ll be player 1 aaa,” tersengih2 En Pocoyo sambil memegang Wii Mote…

“Errr, kalau ye pun, bagilah Abah bukak kasut dulu. Masuk rumah pun belum.” 😀